

Hey There!!!! 

Thank you for coming to see me today!  My name is Ankye Sunoman and it is so nice to meet you. I hope we become long time friends on this adventure called life!  I hope to become one of your favorite authors! 

Being a mom was one of the hats I wanted to wear when I grew up. One of those reasons was so I would get to read a lot of books to my kids over the years!  There are so many great ones out there today!  So I have decided to add to those books!  Do you think you could possibly read too many?  I do not think it is possible!  Especially with kids, a book a night and sometimes they find that one favorite one and you get to read it until the pages are worn down and you can see the love that book was given over the years.  I hope my books become one of your worn down books in your library!  

I have been drawing for as long as I can remember.  I used to draw on anything that had a blank surface; bathtubs, lampshades, the telephone (the ones that sat on the end tables by the living room couch, I believe it was an off white creamy color), the side of the toilet and so much more.  It has always been a passion of mine.  I love creating art with any medium I can get my hands on. I have put the love of art and the love for reading and finally decided that for my final hat, an author seemed fitting.  

None of that would ever have been possible if my Love had not asked me what I wanted to do with my life.  A question I had been asked as a child and quickly put on the shelf once I became a mom who needed to work and provide for my kids.  I was being given an opportunity and I didn’t want to waste it.   I thought about doing the professional face painting more full time, I made business cards to become a photographer, my Love bought me a camera and finally I tried doing the real estate course.  None of those ideas seemed to take off.  Then one day my friend Ashley suggested I write a cookbook but incorporate my art into it.  I thought about this for quite a while and then one day Cali’s character came to me and it just all flowed from there and the rest is history.  That is how The Stew Crew was born!  

We will be hearing more from The Stew Crew in an upcoming book in the future.  You also will be getting other books in between.  I am currently working on a bedtime story!  Keep watching my page for updates and I really do look forward to becoming forever friends!

I love you!  No Judgments here! 

